When it comes to using a Ripack® shrink gun, the choice of gas is essential to guarantee both the heating performance and the durability of the equipment. Our equipment works exclusively with propane in the gaseous phase or bio-propane, and it is strictly forbidden to use butane, as this would compromise the correct operation and […]
Support & Services
Frequently asked questions
We put at your disposal this “Frequently Asked Questions” to support you in your project. Tips for a better shrink wrapping, gas consumption, regulation and many other topics will be covered in this page.
How many pallets will I be able to shrink wrap with a 13 kg bottle of gas ?
What does the date on the gas hose delivered with your Ripack heat shrink gun mean ?
Shrink wrap film and the environment
How should I protect a product with flat film ?
How best to protect my pallet with a shrink wrap cover ?
How to choose the right wrap or film ?
What should I need to know before to transform my shrink gun for natrual gas using ?
Do you make electric Ripack shrink guns?
Which type of gloves should I use with Ripack shrink guns?
My regulator no longer works. If I release the red button, the gas cuts out automatically.
What gas do Ripack products use?